“Have YOU ever wanted to use your crafting skills to make a difference in someone’s life? We did too! So, we founded SisterLuv Crafts, a 501c 3 charity, on January 3, 2008.
We’re fun-loving caring sisters, bringing like-minded people together to make and collect items to assemble into gift packs for distribution to needy mothers of newborns and the elderly in the Tse Bonito and Gallup, NM and Window Rock, AZ areas.
You too can bring unexpected joys and smiles and turn strangers into friends by sharing your skills and talents with others. Join us today and make a difference.”
What we are making for THIS PROJECT:
baby blankets, approximately 36 x 40
baby washcloths
sock critters (see some pattern ideas here)
lapghans (small afghans) for adults, approximately 34 X 42. Bright colors appreciated.
As always, these can be knitted, crocheted, or sewn, and they must be handmade. If you do not knit, crochet, or sew, you can still be involved by purchasing a handmade item from one of the wonderful sellers on Etsy or Artfire. Or, ask a friend to make the item and you provide shipping - then you both get to participate!
Deadline to have these items received by the project coordinator is May 12, so please allow appropriate mail time.
As stated above, our volunteer coordinator for this project is SarahWak1 on Ravelry. The mailing address for this project has been removed. If you have a late donation to send, please message me for instructions. Thanks!
Please let me know if there are any questions, or if I have left out any vital information for this project. Thank you again for your participation!

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