Friday, May 8, 2009

No GMO challenge & Olive Oil Giveaway is hosting a No GMO challenge, and today is having a giveaway opportunity. I am all for sharing with you the giving spirit of No GMO knowledge, and the Chaffin Family Orchards' GMO-free olive oil. I joined the No GMO challenge, and even though I always attempt to avoid them anyway, I have found a few new ways to avoid GMOs since the challenge began. One unexpected source is the vitamins I take. I found some ingredients that are most likely GMO ingredients in some of my vitamins, and now have been paying closer attention when I purchase vitamins.

How can you benefit from the sharing going on at realfoodmedia? Visit the website and join the no GMO challenge. Then follow the instructions from her post (here) to enter the giveaway contest. Now, I do wish you luck, but I have entered it as well, so I am really hoping I am the recipient. Sorry. But, regardless of who gets the olive oil, you have gained knowledge and consumer power simply by reading this post and joining the challenge!

Happy olive oil!

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