Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inspiration Road

(today, this post is shared by both blogs because we all could use inspiration!)
For me, the road to inspiration is on the other side of my front door. All I need do when I need to find a little is to step outside and breathe and take it all in. We have had rain and temperatures in the 50's again for several days, but that just makes the morning all the more vibrant and beautiful.The dew sits on everything in nourishing droplets. My mind's eye sees the storybook faeries and tree nymphs prancing about and drinking deeply from the velvety flower petals.Nourishment for we human inhabitants is continuing to grow strong and healthy in the garden.Imagination fuel abounds. I believe that it is important to allow and encourage imagination. When I watch Amilia play and make up stories, I am equally inspired. It is important for my creative self to absorb natural surroundings and draw from them in all that I do.

So, look closely as you go about your day and find the sources of your inspiration. Do you find it in nature, or in some other place? After my walk, I was again inspired to work indoors on my sewing projects!


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