Yesterday was the official end of Project #4. The items will be delivered within the next two weeks, and delivery photos will be posted when I have them. (Also, I have not yet received delivery photos of Project #3, though the items have been delivered. I will also post about that delivery when I have the photos.)
I am so gratified to be able to do something for others when there is so much need in the world. I have always looked for ways I could help, and have done volunteer work in the past. But, I hadn't found the most satisfying way to help others until now. It took finally learning to knit to open that door.
Since teaching myself to knit, I have been on a constant journey of learning and observing more advanced knitters, spinners, and crocheters. That journey has taken me many times to YouTube to watch tutorial videos (thank you to all who post those gems!), and it took me to Ravelry.
As I have before mentioned, Ravelry is the place that allowed this project to take flight. Without the willing participants joining my group there, I would be sitting over here knitting one hat and one scarf per project while watching the tumbling tumbleweeds roll by and listening to the vultures circle overhead. But, no. Thanks to Ravelry, we are 93 members strong and growing.
Project 4 has ended with a total of 63 items to donate. This far surpasses my initial goal of 25 items per project. I can't thank you enough for your participation and generosity.
Next, we will begin Project #5 on February 12 with the opening of the Vancouver Olympic Games. Won't you join in and attempt to medal with us in Ravelympics 2010?

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