Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mamta on Etsy

Mamta is a shop on Etsy carrying an eclectic mix of gift items and jewelry. She is a professed hoarder of supplies, and has an appetite for learning every type of craft possible. She is self taught in many crafts, including crochet, and she offers lovely crocheted earrings and coffee cup cozies in her shop.

When asked what was her favorite item with which to create, her reply helped illuminate her creative drive and allowed us a glimpse at what makes her love to greet each new day.

"I'm a great hoarder just like all of us. I love to hoard almost everything. But my favourites would be yarns, beads, paper & tools. I do a lot of crafts. It's my dream to learn almost every craft of the world one day. Well, probably as many as I can fit in in my life. So when I learn one craft like beading, I collect beads. But as I also crochet, I use the same beads in my crochet projects. I use paper for making paper beads, yarns for making jewelry [which I use] with the paper beads, and the tools for making all these [things]. So everything just comes at one place."

The "everything coming together in one place" part is the reason we are all members of the Hoarders Unite team. We collect. We stash. We stack. We create. We (hopefully) deplete the supplies and help each other with inspiration and organization techniques. The horse above was in Mamta's shop.


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